Who is Dominion Zephon? Blood Angel HORUS HERESY Commission

Dominion Zephon, The Paragon of Restoration, The Bringer of Sorrow.

Zephon was a remnant of the Legion, left on Terra in a ceremonial role after his maiming during the Great Crusade. Unusually, the bionic replacements did not take, and Zephon was left to serve within the Crusader Host on Terra. You can find the story of Zephon in Aaron Dembski Bowden’s Master of Mankind, a short story Bringer of Sorrow, and Abnett’s Saturnine.

Why is he called the ‘Bringer of Sorrow’? Well, that would be a spoiler…

Alongside Fafnir Rann, Zephon marks a new age within the Heresy. Plastic, stand-alone miniatures of our most beloved characters. I couldn’t help but make a few adjustments to the original sculpt, straightening the pose and adding a majestic Unreal Wargaming base. The red armour is an updated recipe for the Blood Angel Masterclass Series – I know my students have long had trouble replicating it. It was created before the Painting Courses were a glimmer in my eye, and I never thought I’d have to break it down for others to follow!

I’m not a stranger to Zephon. I’m a long-standing Blood Angels player and I loved ADB’s representation of the legion through this character. I created the above Zephon for subscribers over Christmas to pay homage to 2nd ed Mark Gibbons artwork. You can find the article to the piece here (replete with 2nd ed nostalgia).

Would you like to see how Dominion Zephon was painted? How the Siege of Terra base was painted? Then subscribe to our Youtube channel!

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