We’ve all got them in the pile of opportunity, those boxes of dreadnoughts waiting to be painted. We’ll grab a ticket and head to South Wales for our FIRST challenge weekend – DREADNOUGHTS.
By the end of the weekend you will have painted a dreadnought to a professional standard. Learn all the tricks, tips and theory you can apply to EVERY dreadnought you will paint!
Get rid of the fear and enjoy miniature painting.
This is a 2-day course designed for beginner all the way to skilled miniature painters.
Students will have a workbook provided for them on the day.
* We do have a limited availability of all of the above. Please get in touch with us beforehand if you cannot bring any, or would like to try them out before purchase. If you turn up with nothing else but the shoes on your feet, you will still be able to participate in the class.
If you’d like to stay overnight there is a hotel very close to the studio (you can throw a rock at my window from your room – it’s that close!)
Get your stuff painted! That’s the thrust of the weekend. Grab that pile of opportunity and learn how to throw pigment at it. Each weekend is geared around a theme with a structure determined by the instructor to get your sh*t painted! This is a collaborative experience, with an expert there to give you individualized feedback on your work. Class sizes are smaller to ensure each student gets extended feedback on their work during the weekend.
Join your fellow paint-o-naughts and crack out a gorgeous miniature to a professional standard.
Previous Student’s Work