
Online Tuition: Weathering Masterclass

Weathering has become a staple of many artists’ styles and has become a popular discipline for Horus Heresy enthusiasts. This module concentrates on the techniques used to build convincing weathering…
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Online Tuition: Brush Masterclass.

The cornerstone of any miniature painters repertoire; the brush stroke is the technique of masters and beginners alike. This module develops your understanding of how to use the brush to…
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Online Tuition: Colour Theory Masterclass

The Rosetta Stone for miniature painters who wish to elevate their work. This is a large subject that is referred to time and again in your lessons. We learn how…
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Online Tuition: Textures Masterclass

The best miniatures have a multitude of different textures and surfaces for the artist to play with. This module develops your understanding on how to manipulate the brush stroke to…
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Online Tuition: Freehand Masterclass.

Possibly the most challenging discipline that we will encounter. This module aims to demystify the process, creating a clear and concise methodology for creating freehand designs on your miniature. Patreon…
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Online Tuition: Painting Black (and other colours) Masterclass.

This module concentrates on developing one of the most testing hues that a miniature painter can tackle. We concentrate on creating interesting black surfaces, ranging from polished armor to broken…
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Online Tuition: Painting Tanks

Creating Beautiful tanks isn’t a chore, its a pleasure! Come and find out how to break down even the largest of tanks into manageable portions. We learn how to use…
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Online Tuition: Painting the Legions

Your ultimate guide to creating the definitive paint schemes of the legions. We develop a full palette for your force, discuss unit break down and develop a methodology for creating…
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Online Tuition: Painting Knights

Subscribe to online tuition! If tuition places are full not to worry. We open new slots every quarter. We also have a library of 4K videos, PDF support, and seminars…
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Online Tuition: Basics

Where do all the greatest stories start? At the beginning of course! We look a the fundamental practices that knock your painting into shape. We put you on the right…
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