Tag: Tutorial

Liber Chaotica: How to paint Black Legion Tutorial Masterclass Course

How to Paint Black Legion Masterclass by Lil’Legend Studio The Black Legion are the vanguard of Chaos – the ultimate nemesis to the failing Imperium. Once thought to be the Sons…
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Endryd Haar the Riven Hound

Endryd Haar, known as the Riven Hound, was a member of the World Eaters during the Great Crusade and led a warband of Blackshields, known as the “Fangs of the Emperor”, during the Horus Heresy.A brutal commander,…
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How to Paint the Living Martyr Tyde Veil – Sisters of Battle

How to Paint the Living Martyr Tyde Veil – Sisters of Battle How to Paint the Living Martyr Tyde Veil – Sisters of Battle The Anchorite.  In Christianity, an anchorite  is someone…
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How to Paint Legio Praesagius. Titanicus Tutorial.

How to Paint Legio Praesagius.  “There can be no greater hatred than the one reserved for traitors to your own kind. They are just like us, except in every way…
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Celestine Damned

How to Paint Sisters of Battle

How to Paint Sisters of Battle by Lil’Legend Studio Cast out amongst the stars, the Adeptus Sororitas guard the relics of mankind. By his will are they charged, by his…
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How to Paint Word Bearers: Masterclass.

How to Paint Word Bearers by Lil’Legend Studio Where lies the divide between fanatic and prophet? Between saviour and demagogue? The Word Bearers were at the forefront of the ideological…
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How to Paint Zardu Layak’s Black Armour Horus Heresy

How to Paint Zardu Layak. This tutorial delves into how we create texture on a black armoured surface. Zardu Layak from Forge World’s Horus Heresy range is the perfect miniature…
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How to Paint Dark Angels Masterclass

How to Paint Dark Angels by Lil’Legend Studio The Dark Angels were once considered the foremost defenders of humanity, but during the tumultuous era of the Horus Heresy, their loyalty…
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TUTORIAL: Horus Heresy Imperial Fist Praetor

Tutorial: Imperial Fist Praetor. You carry the Emperor’s will as your torch, with it destroy the shadows. Verses of Sigismund, Book CIV, Verse I Welcome to the full Imperial Fists…
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TUTORIAL: Ibraham Gaunt Tutorial Masterclass.

Give any man the power of a god, and you better hope he’s got the wisdom and morals of a god to match. Dan Abnett – First and Only.  …
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