Fulgrim Transcended, what can we say?
I have a friend who I spitball ideas with. A safe space to vent, and throw out half-formed ideas or opinions without the pile on that can happen online. We’re normally overly critical of media and models because we’re old gonards.
Not a bad word has been said about Fulgrim.

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How can a model this big be so delicate? It’s slim, refined, precise, just divine. UI hada. fairly good idea of how I wanted Fulgrim to look. I wanted to convey the otherworldy, fey aspect of the Daemon Primarch, something akin to a Hindu deity. The blue skin has been seen throughout Fulgrim Transcended’s artwork, and I was keen to play that up against the rich purple & gold armour.

This was the true winner of the model of the year 2023. It’s a triumph. The full process of how to paint Fulgrim is coming to the courses this month. If you’d like one commissioned please get in touch below.