#Return to Isstvan: Ollie’s Tip of the Spear.
DOOT DOOT blare the sirens. Mnemonic psalms resonate from the throats of cyber cherubs. Hallelujah, it is done. We have our second completed army for the #returntoisstvan project. Ollie is…
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DOOT DOOT blare the sirens. Mnemonic psalms resonate from the throats of cyber cherubs. Hallelujah, it is done. We have our second completed army for the #returntoisstvan project. Ollie is…
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Some of you may rememer a Space Wolves army the studio painted not so long ago (if not, why not! FINE here’s a link) Well, this is part II. Enjoy…
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Civilisation and progres is niether the natural state not a guartnee of the passage of time, the mere fact of the Age of Strife and all of its horrors are…
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