Author: Myles

Liber Chaotica: How to paint Black Legion Tutorial Masterclass Course

How to Paint Black Legion Masterclass by Lil’Legend Studio The Black Legion are the vanguard of Chaos – the ultimate nemesis to the failing Imperium. Once thought to be the Sons…
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Lil’Legend Hobby CoursesTickets are NOW LIVE

Hobby Courses 🎨 What are the Hobby Course Challenge Weekends? 🎨 Get your stuff painted! That’s the challenge, that’s the goal. Each weekend is a themed eventGuided by an instructor…
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Endryd Haar the Riven Hound

Endryd Haar, known as the Riven Hound, was a member of the World Eaters during the Great Crusade and led a warband of Blackshields, known as the “Fangs of the Emperor”, during the Horus Heresy.A brutal commander,…
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Fantasy Tale of Gamers – Month 1, What you need to know.

Old World challenge. A new year, the promise of a new adventure – what better way to smash into 2024 than ride the zephyr of Old World enthusiasm? We have…
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Painting Fulgrim Transcended, Primarch of the Emperor’s Children

Fulgrim Transcended, what can we say? I have a friend who I spitball ideas with. A safe space to vent, and throw out half-formed ideas or opinions without the pile…
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Into the Abyss: Sons of Horus Leviathan Dreadnought Commission Showcase

Into the Abyss: Sons of Horus Leviathan Dreadnought Commission Showcase Few images strike terror into the hearts of loyalists like the Leviathan Dreadnoughts of the Sons of Horus (especially in…
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From Silence to Fury: Noise Marine Conversion showcase.

From Silence to Fury: Noise Marine Conversion showcase. This piece, a collaborative effort with Luke Mockeridge (make sure to follow him if you haven’t already), perfectly captures his wild imagination.…
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INDEX: How to Paint Warhammer 40K: Tutorials

INDEX: How to Paint Warhammer 40K: Tutorials Welcome to the guides on how to paint everything in the 40K Universe. This index collects all of our basing tutorials and is…
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How to Paint Deathwing Bladeguard & Showcase

How to Paint Deathwing Bladeguard & Showcase. To get access to this and the ENTIRE vault, sign up to the patreon courses for $15. In the ever-evolving realm of tabletop…
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Silver Tower Tzaangor: Underpainting made EASY

Silver Tower Tzaangor: Underpainting made EASY, Underpainting is still new to me, but it’s a technique that’s quickly becoming a favourite. It’s a process where ambient tones are painted onto…
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