HORUS HERESY. World Eater Spartan Commission.
Primarch! General! Your warriors were eaters of cities, lord, but with you to command us the War Hounds will be eaters of worlds! World Eaters. World Eaters. So shall you…
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Primarch! General! Your warriors were eaters of cities, lord, but with you to command us the War Hounds will be eaters of worlds! World Eaters. World Eaters. So shall you…
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“As iron is eaten away by rust, so the envious are consumed by their own passion.” Antisthenes Pinto Wallow my friends, in enamel, pigment and oil. This legion, more so than…
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This full tutorial course covers every aspect of painting a Justerain Spartan. This tutorial was designed as a nice introduction for those taking their first steps with the airbrush.