March 1998, Warhammer Monthly, issue 1, “The Hit”. Kal’s first swaggering introduction into the Warhammer Universe. The artwork, the story, the setting of the Hive! I was hooked. This character has held a special place in my heart, from the Mike Mcvey version to this, each sculpt has to build on the previous in terms of the technical ability to print these models to the usage of CAD. This miniature is a microcosm of Games Workshop’s growth as a company and their ability to create these models.
The miniature was painted with saturated colours in the mid-tone, and neutral greys and black in the shadows to ground the miniature in some sort of reality. The miniature has a variety of surfaces to work with, from metallics to worn leather and skin tones. The Necromunda range is chock full of interesting challenges for painters. The small model count means you can concentrate on developing your technique and still get the satisfaction of completing a project.