I’m hot. Really hot. I can hear the chortle of Australian readers, but there’s a reason I live on a cool damp rock (Britain).
The #returntoisstvan project feels like it’s hit that 4 week wall. If you’ve ever been on a diet you know what I’m talking about.
Week 1: Why I love salad!
Week 2: My god, jogging makes me feel amazing.
Week 3: I’d better buy that extra packet of kale for my smoothies.
Then the fourth week hits and it’s pizza for every meal. 9th ed has been my pizza. You can see what I’ve been working on from the new Indomitus boxed set in the blog, and I won’t clutter it here.
However, that’s not to say there hasn’t been progress! Here are the highlights from social media. Remember, you can join in at any time – check out this post for details on what our gaming group is doing.
Winters_warhammer: Absolutely beautiful real metallic Emperor’s Children.
Ollie SP: For the Warmaster! Incidentally, he has used the Sons of Horus recipe published here to great effect.
OA Gamer: Great weathering.
forthewarmaster: grim, gritty, Heresy!
anvils of Konor is detailing every single member of his army. It will be a sight to behold!
Kid Dangerous – creating the characters of the legion. Fantastic rendition of Charmosian. In the words of the man himself;
So update for Isstvan:
Real life has well and truly de-railed my #returntoisstvan plans. Combination of work getting really busy, having a small infant to care for and studies have eaten my spare time while the heat has killed my motivation to paint!
That and getting distracted by a great deal I found on some Admech models which has allowed me to start a Dark Mechanicum force that I’ve always dreamed of.
I remain committed to getting my small Emperor’s Children force finished by the soft deadline of December that we set as a group so will be renewing my push to get the models built and painted this month.
Thanks to everyone who has continued to post their work with the #returntoisstvan hashtag, I haven’t ignored you and seeing the WIPs pop up on my feeds has been instrumental in keeping me aware of the project and reminding me to crack on!
I hope to have some new pictures and WIPs of my own very soon!
Pete has practically finished his collection and should be done well within the December 1st deadline!
Lex: I’m jealous of this collection of parts. This will be an amazing conversion.
The Death and Betrayal Podcast has a wonderful piece on how to create thematic armies for the #returntoisstvan project.
And what have I been up to? Well, microchipping. I want to recreate the artwork seen in book one as much as possible. Like the Blood Angel marble panelling, the micro detailing is a challenge to recreate on something in this scale. I think I’ve got a good handle of it and will be made into a tutorial for Patreon.

That’s it for this month! Remember you can still join in the challenge, and if none of the original legions tickles your fancy, well, there’s always Isstvan V to look forward to…