Magnus the Red NMM – two of the most intimidating words in any language.
This tutorial package delves into the theory behind NMM using Sanguinius, Celestine, and Mephiston as samples. The aim to create a working understanding of how light and shadow interact on a metallic surface and use a variety of examples to give you a clear grasp of the NMM technique.
What is included in Magnus the Red NMM?
- Mephsiton Masterclass video – including a directors cut video.
- Saint Celestine NMM video – developing complex shapes on NMM
- Sanguinius Video course – 4 videos detailing every brushstroke on how to build reflections on the most demanding model in Forge World’s range.
- BONUS – PDF – SANGUINIUS NMM – an explanation of how light and shadows are formed on an NMM surface.
This series is perfect for those who wish to develop an understanding of NMM, brushwork, and light. It is aimed at intermediate to advanced level students.
Would you like to learn more about how to paint miniatures? Then check out the courses.
My, how things have changed in 10,000 years?
What styles fit the Heresy? The answer, the only answer is every style! But I do have a few tenants I stick to when modeling and painting in the Horus Heresy.
Like many people, I was infatuated by the militaristic, stripped-back style of Heresy modeling. It focussed on realism – chips in armour, gory scenes of butchery, and an emphasis on telling a story through the miniatures. In such a setting I like planting my feet in TMM (true metallic metal) as it serves my vision on the tabletop.
However, the study of NMM should be overlapped with TMM – they are two sides of the same coin. If you would like to push your learning further, there is a hefty tutorial on HTMM, Hybrid True Metallics – the synthesis of NMM and TMM. Click on the image below and descend into madness.
That’s a lot of acronyms to digest for one article. That was always MAgnus’ problem never knew when to stop. Stop reading, and go learn how to paint with Manus the Red NMM.