Tag: How to paint

Alpharius & Dorn Duel – The Dark Side of Pluto. HORUS HERESY Diorama.

“There is no enemy. The foe on the battlefield is merely the manifestation of that which we must overcome. He is doubt, and fear, and despair. Every battle is fought…
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TITANICUS: Legio Gryphonicus Warmaster Titan

It’s Gryphonicus, but not as you know it! An off shoot from the main Legio, the colours have deviated slightly during the Heresy Wars. This is Mathew Kane Masterpiece, painted…
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CURSED CITY HERO: Glaurio ven Alten III. Commission piece.

The ven Altens got us into this, and the ven Altens will get us out. After you my dear. Cursed City The brash young duellist is the last surviving member…
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Contact with alien races always renews one’s faith in humanity. It is my belief that foreign travel narrows the mind wonderfully. Codex Imperialis 2nd edition. The threat of the Genestealer…
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Tutorial: Szarekh The Silent King

The best answer to anger is silence. Marcus Aurelius This video tutorial series covers: How to apply a preshade to larger miniatures. How to create a coloured preshade for metallics.…
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Tutorial: The Lion Masterclass series.

The Lord of the First, Son of the Forest, Lion El Johsnon receives the full masterclass treatment. This video series represents the pinnacle of the system. A full, 4K video…
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TUTORIAL: Horus Heresy Imperial Fist Praetor Paint Along.

Welcome to the Blood Angels Tutorial Masterclass series! This full course is available to view RIGHT NOW. Simply click on the button below and begin to learn how to paint…
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Free Tutorial: Dark Eldar Skin

Welcome one and all to this free Dark Eldar skin tutorial! This was originally released as part of the Advent Calendar tutorial releases that happen every year. I hope you…
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