WARHAMMER Cursed City Vykros Bloodbourne. What is the vampire aesthetic? Warhammer is a strange mix of 80’s hair metal, Bram Stokers Dracula, and Vallejo art. The Vykros Bloodbourne definitely have an 80’s vibe. The hair, the feral snarl, the loincloth – all hallmarks of the 80’s.
The pictures – I’ve been asked what is a lighting effect and what is the actual miniature. The picture below uses both. The main image is a pure photograph; no lighting effects or photoshop. It’s taken on a Sony DSLR with a 5500K light shining on the miniature. The 2 ‘silhouette’ images use a red LED to show off the red underglow (that falls into shadow with my one light source). The one light source image is less exaggerated but you do lose a lot of the painting due to the cast shadow. The LED light captures the underlighting that has been painted on the miniature, but it does exaggerate them. How does the mini look in real life?
Somewhere in between.
And that name? WARHAMMER Cursed City Vykros Bloodbourne? I wonder where that came from. If anyone has any info about the naming conventions used in this game get in touch!
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