Tag: Forgeworld

Thramas the Grave of Heroes: Dark Angels Army Showcase.

“Loyalty is its own reward” Lion El Johnson, Savage Weapons. Aaron Dembski Bowden. We’re nearly there. I write this a day before pre-orders for book 9 go-live, around 1 week…
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#returntoisstvan Blog Post 5: Progress was made.

It feels like I’m getting somewhere now. Let’s recap. #returntoisstvan was created by a small group of hobbyists who wanted to revisit the old Black Book series by Forge World.…
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#returntoIsstvan: Blog post 4 – summer heat and straying eyes.

I’m hot. Really hot. I can hear the chortle of Australian readers, but there’s a reason I live on a cool damp rock (Britain). The #returntoisstvan project feels like it’s…
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Tutorial: Krieg Command Squad

The Krieg are the faceless mass of humanity pressed into the unrelenting war against the alien, the daemonic, and the damned. This video tutorial covers: An exploration of colour recipes…
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#returntoisstvan Month 1 round-up.

The project launched with a BANG and has continued apace. Even with Forgeworld’s doors being closed there is still some hot heresy action as modelers rifle through their mountain of…
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#returntoisstvan – Visual Library of Choral City, The Precentors Palace & Siren Hold.

Istvaan III had two primary battlefronts: The Precentor’s Palace and The Siren Hold within Choral City. The images have been gathered from the Forge World’s Betrayal and the Horus Heresy…
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Ultramarine Locutarus Assault Squad. Commission.

Locutarus assault squads were specialist hand to hand cadres, exemplifying the arts of sword and pistol play. During pitched battles, they were often held in reserve to bolster a failing…
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Eikos Lamiad, Tetrach of Ultramar. Commission.

“Victory is a fickle mistress, failure a haphazard executioner; for those with the courage to persevere will not abide their dictates”  – Tetrarch Eikos Lamiad Eikos Lamiad was one of…
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Keruvim, Crimson Paladins. Blood Angels Horus Heresy Terminators.

It is an observed curio of the IXth that an Astartes regulary commits himself to the Sacrophigi of their creation between battles. Towering edifices resplendent with the IXth gilded artifice,…
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Blood Angels Contemptor- Incaendius Class Dreadnought Commission.

The Incaendius Dreadnought has to be one of the craziest concepts to come out of the Forge World team for a while. It is a dreadnought that is armed with…
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