Tag: Warhammer

Lucifer Part 2.

I wrote this article 2010 about the thoughts behind the construction of Lucifer. Enjoy! How many Wings does a Seraphim Have? Lucifer came about as a reaction to seeing the Sanguinor…
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Lucifer, First of the Host. Chapter Master of the Blood Angels M31.

Lucifer First of the Host Chapter master of the Blood Angles ChapterM31. The Blood Angels stand on the brink of extinction. The painful reformation of the Legions coupled with the horrendous…
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Valdor, First of the Ten Thousand.

Constantin Valdor Captain-General of the Legio Custodes. The First of the Ten Thousand. The Shield of the Emperor. When you think of this time period there are a few names…
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Drazhar, Master of Blades commission.

Drazhar The Living Blade. I approached this piece by mentally breaking it in half. The armoured plates were given clean, direct lines, building the luminescence to a mirrored sheen. Drahzar…
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Solomon Demeter

Solomon Demeter was Captain of the Second Company, Emperor’s Children, who played a major role in Fulgrim. He remained loyal to the Emperor but was badly wounded in the firestorm…
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