Constantin Valdor Captain-General of the Legio Custodes. The First of the Ten Thousand. The Shield of the Emperor.
When you think of this time period there are a few names that spring to mind. Horus, Dorn, Sanguinius; and Valdor. I was lucky enough to be one of the first to buy him, and after painting a couple of commissions I knew I’d have to own one for myself.

I made a couple of alterations from the original sculpt. From what I understand, the Custodes aren’t made via the bio alchemical process that most super-warriors in the Imperium undergo. They aren’t cut open and put back together. Their core being is directly altered by the will of the Emperor, and so would base no marks of the knife upon his skin. I also resculpted his hair to make it match the artwork in The visions of heresy.
There are a few more changes – see if you can detect them. If you would like to paint this model check out the full 4k HD tutorial series detailing every brush stroke.