Tag: Masterclass

Liber Chaotica: How to paint Black Legion Tutorial Masterclass Course

How to Paint Black Legion Masterclass by Lil’Legend Studio The Black Legion are the vanguard of Chaos – the ultimate nemesis to the failing Imperium. Once thought to be the Sons…
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How to Paint Death Guard Masterclass

How to Paint Death Guard by Lil’Legend Studio. The implacable heralds of the reaper, the Deathguard are Mortarion’s Unbroken Blades. It was said of the Romanii that they would create…
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How to Paint Dark Angels Masterclass

How to Paint Dark Angels by Lil’Legend Studio The Dark Angels were once considered the foremost defenders of humanity, but during the tumultuous era of the Horus Heresy, their loyalty…
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BLOOD ANGELS Masterclass Tutorial Series

He sent upon them His burning anger, Fury and indignation and trouble, A band of destroying angels. Psalm 78:49 Welcome to the Blood Angels Tutorial Masterclass series! This full course…
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Tutorial: Szarekh The Silent King

The best answer to anger is silence. Marcus Aurelius This video tutorial series covers: How to apply a preshade to larger miniatures. How to create a coloured preshade for metallics.…
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How to Paint Sons of Horus Masterclass Tutorial Course.

How to Paint Sons of Horus This is the comprehensive learning resource for the Sons of Horus. This Masterclass takes you through everything from creating that perfect Sons of Horus…
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Lion’El Johsnon, the Slayer of Monsters.

A little bit about the paint job. This piece was heavily inspired by the artwork and lore in the Thramas book. Every world burns, every inch of ground a phosphex…
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Tutorial: The Lion Masterclass series.

The Lord of the First, Son of the Forest, Lion El Johsnon receives the full masterclass treatment. This video series represents the pinnacle of the system. A full, 4K video…
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Cooking with Colour: A brush Masterclass.

My brushwork is quite unsystematic. I slam the paint on in all sorts of wats and leave each result to take care of itself. Vincent Van Gogh This two-part course…
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Tutorial series: Horus Lupercal, Warmaster Masterclass.

“It does not matter how the galaxy burns, only that it does.” Warmaster by John French Of all the Primarchs, Horus stands as an exemplar in all aspects. Divinely gifted…
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