How to Paint World Eaters by Lil’Legend Studio
Glory is for those too weak to find their inner strength, leaving them hollow parasites, feeding on the affection of even lesser men. Glory is for cowards, too afraid to let their names die.”
Bucher’s Nails – Aaron Dembski Bowden.
Berserkers, children of the broken god, The World Eaters were the bloody, chipped blade of crusades edge. A weapon abused by overuse, an engine that could not be paused, the World Eaters were a sword without a hilt, ravaging whatever world they could lay claim to.
This is the comprehensive learning resource for the World Eaters. This masterclass takes you through everything needed to create your own madmen! This is a living document and will be updated periodically with new tutorials.
How to Paint World Eaters Masterclass series covers:
- The complete step-by-step PDF for WORLD EATERS written by MATHEW KANE
- The COMPLETE how to Paint Angron’s Armour of Mars.
- How to paint World Eaters PDF by Myles David.
- The art of compromise Legions; World Eaters Video.
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