What are Ascended Kakophoni? The First Emperor’s Children Noise Marine

Crafting a Kakophoni Marine from the Gal Vorbak kit was both a creative challenge and a dive into the twisted heart of the Emperor’s Children. These once-proud warriors, now cacophonic harbingers of sonic destruction, embody the descent from perfection to ruin. My goal was to channel their transformation into the model, using true-scaling techniques to amplify the character’s presence on the battlefield.

True scaling offered an opportunity to portray the superhuman proportions of a Chaos Space Marine twisted by the Warp. The Gal Vorbak kit provided an excellent base, its grotesque mutations blending seamlessly with the Kakophoni’s haunting aesthetic. By adjusting the scale and adding exaggerated details, the marine looms over his prey, reflecting the arrogance and madness of the Emperor’s Children. The addition of bespoke details—like screaming faces and ruptured cables—emphasized the model’s degeneration into a living instrument of destruction.

Painting this model in lurid purples, ranging from royal to almost iridescent tones, allowed me to capture the marine’s descent into decadence and madness. The colors reflect both the elegance of their former selves and the corruption of their allegiance to Slaanesh. Layering and glazing techniques helped create a depth that mirrors their duality, while stark contrasts and vibrant accents brought their sonic weaponry to life.

As Fulgrim once proclaimed, “Perfection is an illusion, but its pursuit is a truth we must embrace.” The Kakophoni are the living embodiment of this truth—beautiful and terrible in equal measure. Through this conversion and paint job, I sought to encapsulate that dichotomy, grounding their otherworldly essence in the grim reality of the Heresy.

Let me know if you’d like a tutorial on true scaling, or a closer look at the painting process. Slaanesh demands perfection, but we can always strive for something close! #Warhammer #HorusHeresy #TrueScale #EmperorsChildren


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